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About Us

Empowered Women, Empower Women

Our mission is simple. 


We want to empower women through physical health and women education. 


As we move through the stages of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and motherhood, our bodies and minds are constantly evolving. 


We offer educational courses and day retreats for mothers through all stages of their journey to learn to care for and move their bodies safely, mindfully and effectively.


Our Story

As movement practioners on the Isle of Wight and mums, two friend sat down over coffee and discussed the lack of accessible and safe physical health and movement advice there was available for new and expecting mothers. 


A rabbit hole of research later and Kerryn and Monique knew they needed to try and help to fix this and provide mother's with the toolkit they need to look after and move their bodies.


Many more Friday coffee dates later and Birth & Bloom was 'birthed'.


At this point we put our proposal to The Birth Hub and the 'Dream Team' was born. 


With our first Birth & Bloom event being held in August 2021, we are at the start of our very exciting journey.

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